Our school offers students the option of receiving therapies in-house during their academic day from licensed therapists. Therapies are scheduled during school time and do not interfere with any of the student's classes. As a result, parents can avoid having to taxi their children after school to different centers. Therapies are paid directly to the service providers. Highpoint Academy does not receive any financial compensation from these services.
Speech and Language Therapy

Ana Mari Weiss, CCC-SLP
Ana Mari R. Weiss is a licensed and registered Speech Language Pathologist in Florida. She is a member of the American Speech Language Hearing Association, where she attained her Certificate of Clinical Competencies (CCC). She is the president of Express Yourself-Speech Language Therapy and has achieved a Master of Science in both Speech Language Pathology and Exceptional Student Education (ESE). Ana Mari is passionate about working with the children at Highpoint and devoting her life to helping children with communication difficulties. She bases her principles on meeting every child’s unique and individual needs by incorporating a variety of therapy techniques that provide effective and enjoyable therapy sessions. Individual sessions provide intensive therapy to promote maximum progress. Motivating games, manipulatives, and interactive applications make sessions appealing to all ages. Ana Mari also engages the children in social pragmatic group sessions which provide children the opportunity to practice appropriate social behaviors, helping them achieve confidence during every day social interactions. Ana Mari has extensive experience working with children with Autism Spectrum Disorders, auditory processing disorders, feeding disorders, articulation and fluency disorders, as well as children with social and pragmatic delays. She is a certified provider for the DIR: Floortime as well as the Beckman Oral Motor Assessment and Intervention. Ana Mari is proud to have focused her career as a speech and language pathologist in helping children with special needs by using both traditional methods and cutting edge therapy techniques to provide highly effective outcomes.
Ana Mari R. Weiss is a licensed and registered Speech Language Pathologist in Florida. She is a member of the American Speech Language Hearing Association, where she attained her Certificate of Clinical Competencies (CCC). She is the president of Express Yourself-Speech Language Therapy and has achieved a Master of Science in both Speech Language Pathology and Exceptional Student Education (ESE). Ana Mari is passionate about working with the children at Highpoint and devoting her life to helping children with communication difficulties. She bases her principles on meeting every child’s unique and individual needs by incorporating a variety of therapy techniques that provide effective and enjoyable therapy sessions. Individual sessions provide intensive therapy to promote maximum progress. Motivating games, manipulatives, and interactive applications make sessions appealing to all ages. Ana Mari also engages the children in social pragmatic group sessions which provide children the opportunity to practice appropriate social behaviors, helping them achieve confidence during every day social interactions. Ana Mari has extensive experience working with children with Autism Spectrum Disorders, auditory processing disorders, feeding disorders, articulation and fluency disorders, as well as children with social and pragmatic delays. She is a certified provider for the DIR: Floortime as well as the Beckman Oral Motor Assessment and Intervention. Ana Mari is proud to have focused her career as a speech and language pathologist in helping children with special needs by using both traditional methods and cutting edge therapy techniques to provide highly effective outcomes.
Occupational Therapy

Javier A. Lopez MS, OTR/L, C-SIPT
Javier A. Lopez, affectionally known to all as "Javi", is a registered and licensed occuaptional therapist since 2000. During this time, he has been practicing in pediatric occupational therapy in clinical, home, and school settings. He is certified to adminsiter the Sensory Integration Praxis Test (SIPT) and sensory integration. Currently, he is the owner/therapist of Children's Therapy Center in South Miami, Florida. This is a 2,000 sq foot state-of-the-art facility. He has taken his vision / approach to occupational therapy and applied it to the children at Highpoint Academy. He also designed the amazing occupational therapy room at Highpoint's Coral Way campus. Javi interacts with the teachers on a regular basis to constantly assess the effectiveness of the treatment plan and educate parents about the child's progress in occupational therapy.
Javier A. Lopez, affectionally known to all as "Javi", is a registered and licensed occuaptional therapist since 2000. During this time, he has been practicing in pediatric occupational therapy in clinical, home, and school settings. He is certified to adminsiter the Sensory Integration Praxis Test (SIPT) and sensory integration. Currently, he is the owner/therapist of Children's Therapy Center in South Miami, Florida. This is a 2,000 sq foot state-of-the-art facility. He has taken his vision / approach to occupational therapy and applied it to the children at Highpoint Academy. He also designed the amazing occupational therapy room at Highpoint's Coral Way campus. Javi interacts with the teachers on a regular basis to constantly assess the effectiveness of the treatment plan and educate parents about the child's progress in occupational therapy.